In our privacy policy, we outline how we gather and utilize information, as well as the options available to you. To collect data, we use various technologies, including cookies, pixels, local storage, and software development kits (SDKs). We use cookies for a variety of purposes on Reach the Sea.


When you use the internet, your browser stores small text files known as "cookies". In addition to cookies, there are other technologies that collect information about your online activity. For the purpose of this policy, these technologies are collectively referred to as "cookies".
At Reach the Sea, we use both session cookies, which expire when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which last until you or your browser deletes them. For example, we use persistent cookies to remember your language preferences and other settings, so you don't have to set them up each time you visit our website.
Some of the cookies we use are associated with your Reach the Sea account (including information about you, such as the email address you gave us) and other cookies are not.


There are four categories of cookies we may use:
Essential cookies are required so our Website works in the way you expect. Examples of these types of cookies are login cookies which keep you logged in as you scroll through our Website or search for products.
Analytics cookies which are used for internal analytics and include cookies from providers like Google Analytics .
Personalization cookies for customizing content, including ads.
Marketing cookies which are used for advertising Reach the Sea to you.


Essential cookies
We may use essential cookies to remember your settings and preferences, like the language you prefer and your privacy settings. Essential cookies let you log in and out of our Website. Essential cookies are just one way we protect you from security risks. For example, we use them to detect when someone might be trying to hack your Reach the Sea account or spam the Reach the Sea community.

Analytics cookies
We use analytics cookies to make Reach the Sea better. For example, these cookies tell us how many people use a certain feature and how popular it is, or whether people open an email we send. We also use cookies to help advertisers understand who sees and interacts with their ads, and who visits their website or purchases their products. Sometimes we hire security vendors or use third-party analytics providers to help us understand how people are using Reach the Sea. Just like we do, these providers may use cookies.

Personalization cookies
We may use cookies to help us remember your preferences, or which products, boards, people or websites you’ve interacted with so we can show you related content you might like. We may also use cookies to help an advertising service we partner with show you interesting ads. If you’d like to opt-out of these services you can do so in your settings.

Marketing cookies
Sometimes we hire advertising vendors so that we can market Reach the Sea products on other websites and apps. These providers may use cookies to provide this service to us. If you’d like to opt-out of these services you can do so in your settings.


At Reach the Sea, we use cookies across various platforms, including our website, mobile applications, products, and services such as ads, emails, and applications. Our cookies are also used on the websites of our partners who utilize Reach the Sea’s marketing tools.


There are a few ways you can choose how cookies are used on Reach the Sea:
If you’re located in the EU or UK you can adjust your cookie preferences at any time by visiting your Privacy settings and editing your Cookies Preferences. If you’ve consented to a category of non-essential cookies and later change your mind, you can immediately revoke consent by turning off that cookie category in your settings.
In the Personalization section of your settings, you can decide whether we use info from our partners and other services to personalize Reach the Sea for you or whether we use information we learn about you on Reach the Sea to market Reach the Sea to you on other sites and apps.
There are also online tools such as Digital Advertising Alliance's Browser Check site which allow you to choose how cookies are used throughout the web-based on the device and browser you are using.
Your browser probably gives you cookie choices. For example, most browsers let you block “third-party cookies,” which are cookies from sites other than the one you’re visiting. Those options vary from browser to browser, so check your browser settings for more info.
Some browsers also have a privacy setting called “Do Not Track,” which we support. This setting is another way for you to decide whether we use info from our partners and other services to customize our Website for you.
Finally, your mobile device has settings that allow you to control how ad partners can use information about your use of mobile applications to show ads to you. On Android devices, this setting is called “Opt out of Ads Personalization.” On Apple devices, you can adjust your choice by selecting Privacy and then Tracking.